Selected articles from the magazine
Edited by Paramahamsa Paribrajakacharyya
Sri Srimad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj
Published between 1927 - 1936

LORD Chaitanya restored their sanctifying efficacy to the Tirthas of the Circle of Braja by the Performance of the circumambulation in 1514-15 A.C. The performance of the circumambulation of Sree Brajamandal by Lord Chaitanya is described in Sree Chaitanya Charitamrita. It is as follows:--

On His way to Mathura from Puri, at all the places where He stopped, the Lord made all people dance by the bestowal of the Name and Love of Krishna. Just as formerly, while proceeding to the South. He had saved all people; in the same manner He also now converted all persons of the West into Vaishnavas.

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THE Circumambulation of the Circle of Braja under the lead of Editor is in progress and pure-hearted persons from all parts of the country, irrespective of caste, creed or colour, have availed the opportunity to join the devotional performance which is the consummation of the highest aspirations of the devotee There is no higher function for the soul than the performance of the circumambulation of Sree Brajamandal under the absolute direction of the bona fide devotee of Krishna.

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THE long looked-for circumambulation of Sree Brajamandal, under the guidance of the Acharyya, which had been announced and postponed twice during the last year, is to materialise during the present Autumn. The announcement has already been made that the circumambulation will take place during October 9 to November 11 of this year. The public had been invited, through the Press and from the platform, to participate in the approaching devotional function.

The reader will recall that the subject was presented in a series of three articles in the last volume of this Journal, from the point of view of pure loving devotion as the only natural function of the jiva soul, of which the Ideal is offered by the Career of Sree Krishna Chaitanya. It was our purpose in those articles to try to understand the performance of the circumambulation of Sree Brajamandal by Sree Krishna Chaitanya during the autumn the winter of 1513-14 A.C. in the light of His own teachings.

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The last day of the out-going Gaura Era and its Significance: 30th Govinda corresponding to March 20, is the last day of the 448th Gaura Era. On the last day of the solar year, worldly minded people perform pious deeds so that they may pass a happy time in heaven. Not only that, they also try to anticipate the fruits of their holy deeds by amusing themselves with various kinds of entertainments. But the servitors of the 'Gaura Era' do not seek 'Dharma', 'Artha', 'Kama' or 'Moksha'. The desire for pleasure or piety, profit or pre-eminence cannot perturb the serenity of their minds...

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Shankar's disregard of considerations in favour of the distinctive transcendental activities of pure souls is altogether untenable. The point of view of Shandilya Rishi whom he attempts to refute stands fully vindicated to all sincere souls. This has been conclusively shown by many distinguished writers.

I do not see, because my vision is liable to be eclipsed when I am located in the realm of three dimensions. These wrong conceptions are not get rid of till I am established in the purely spiritual state which is free from all mundane limitations. They have established their firm hold on me by my neglect to take into my serious consideration the claims of the transcendental existence. In the Bhagabatam "Viswanath" instructs "Satee" as to the proper nature of Vasudeva. He tells her of the activities and realisations of the unalloyed spiritual essence. Viswanath makes his obeisance to Vasudeb. Those who are willing to hear his words in the spirit of humility displayed by Viswanath, can, indeed, hear them. Those who covet fame and wealth are given those things by Mahamaya (the great deluding power).

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Shankara and some of his followers have taken exception to Vaishnavism alleging that it is opposed to the Vedas. Sankara's interpretation is known as 'Kevaladwaita' or Absolute Monism which may be philosophically summed up as follows;-

  1. The individual soul is nothing but pure and all-pervading 'Brahma' which eternally exists as the absolute entity. All plurality is false and unreal and superimposed upon Brahma. It is only 'Maya' which makes us see plurality. But 'Maya' itself has no independent existence.
  2. 'Moksha' is attained by the knowledge of the identity of Brahma and Jiva (individual soul).

Shankara appeared in the latter half of the 8th century, long after Adi Vishnu Swami who had flourished but two centuries before the birth of Christ when his presence was urgently required to put new life into Brahmanism by propagating this interpretation of illusion or 'Maya'.

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O Hari Nama! The Tips of Thy Lotus Feet have eternally been adored by the glowing radiance diffused from the gemmed chaplets of the Upanishads, the crest jewels of the Vedas. Thou art eternally worshipped by the liberated souls. O Hari Nama! Clearing myself of all offences, I entirely take shelter in Thee.

O Holy Name! All glory to Thee who art eternally chanted by the saints. To confer eternal bliss upon the people Thou hast appeared before them as the Transcendental Word. Thou killest all sorts of terrible sufferings of him who happens to chant even Thy dimly reflected Name known as Namabhasa.

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The Viswa Vaishnava Raj Sabha will spare no pains to place before the world on the occasion of the anniversary celebrations of the Gaudiya Math the Subject Who is the Goal as well as Method of all Theistic investigation. This will be done by means of pamphlets, lectures, discourses as well as visual representations on a comprehensive scale.

Sri Krishna is the Goal and Method of all investigation regarding Himself. The investigation of Sri Krishna forms an integral part of Himself. The process, regarded from the detached point of view of a spectator, involves three factors, viz.—subject of investigation, investigating activity and investigator. These form the natural divisions of the subject of consideration for the hypothetical spectator.

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